
Archive for April 9th, 2010

Day 283 – Post-it round out

April 9th, 2010 1 comment

Here are the last few post-it doodles (for now, because you know they will be back again).  But I would love to see what others do on a post-it note.  Everyone has a post-it or 2 lying around, why not doodle me your take on what should go on the little square that says it all.  I would love to see your doodles too (and post them on the site, how cool would that be).  Once you get started, you will be hooked for sure.

Here are my final post-it doodles for the week.

Starting with a post-it corner:

Post-it corner doodle


going round

in circles

Part of an upcoming "dotty" series


circular motions. . .

in a circular motion

Grouped as One

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