Day 172 – A Storms a coming
It’s Friday…. it’s been a long week and I’m very happy that the week is winding down. The word on the street is that a big snow is headed our way for Saturday. I did say we have not seen a big snow in DC in a long time, so maybe this is the one. We will have to wait and see…. More will be posted tomorrow.
Also after 8 days, tonight is the last night of Hanukkah so to celebrate I took another look at the first Menorah that I doodled and gave it a touch up. Now all 8 candles are lit and shining bright. Next up we get ready for Christmas. The holiday season has given me a ton of new doodle ideas. I love it.
The last night and all the candles are lit
Hey! I have been following the blog for a while, great stuff! Stay warm during the blizzard and Happy Channukah from the LA family.