Home > Doodle Art > Day 171 – Crazy Day

Day 171 – Crazy Day

Isn’t it the norm that things wind down towards the end of the year?  That generally you are not as busy, because you have the holidays to prep for.  Well that is not the case.  This week and yesterday especially have been crazy busy.  Meeting after meeting, planning, organizing, pure corporate chaos.  It will settle down I am sure, but right now it’s nuts.

I read the other day that Christmas and New year are he 2 most stressful days of the year.  So even if your life is hectic and work is getting you down… take time to chill, pour a glass of wine…. and relax….. but not for long, your have 9 days till Christmas so go, go, go, you have shopping to take care of.

Tonight is the 7th night of Hanukkah so here we have 7 candles lit.  This Menorah is representative of the real story of Hanukkah where the pot of oil was made to last for 8 days.  I designed this with the candle holders shaped as little pots of oil.

The oil lasted for 8 days

The oil lasted for 8 days

Categories: Doodle Art Tags: , ,
  1. Oscar
    December 17th, 2009 at 21:04 | #1

    I love your Chanukah doodles. They are beautiful and very expressive.

  2. nicette beinart
    December 17th, 2009 at 21:14 | #2

    What an incredible piece of work I love it you are really very talented

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