Home > Doodle Art > Day 167 – Gourmet Club

Day 167 – Gourmet Club

Before we Light the 3rd candle and share my 3rd Doodled Menorah I wanted to tell you about Gourmet.  We have this dinner club, where we get together 3 or 4 times a year for a gourmet meal, good wine and many laughs.  It’s a let your hair down, tickle your funny bone kind of evening and frowned upon if you miss it. (one of the reasons I couldn’t go to holiday cocktails at my boss’s house)  We once had to miss it because we had to visit a house of mourning….. we are still reminded about that.  Nothing is allowed to come between us and gourmet.

Last night was no exception,  It was fun, very delicious meal……

That being said here’s Menorah no 3 for the 3rd night of Hanukkah

The 3rd Candle is lit

The 3rd Candle is lit

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