Day 135 – World Series of Poker
We haven’t seen the “doodle heads” in some time and I recently found a few that I had done a while back, which I just had to share with you. I was so caught up in the WSOP (World Series of Poker) last night, that I decided a few crazy faces would be perfect for today’s doodle as there sure are some crazy faces that pop up at WSOP.
Congrats to Joe Cada, becoming the youngest Main event winner ever. Not bad for 21 and way to go Darvin Moon, the local right here from Maryland. Not a bad turn of events for the logger, who turned down his dad’s advice of investing $10,000 he won in a local tournament into his tree logging business. No he bought at seat at the Main event and walked away with second place and a whopping $5.8Mil. Poker Rules.
As for the doodles, here are today’s crazies, maybe we can match em up to some of the main event players

Late night Poker Face

Not a Poker Face

I just bluffed ya good!

Do I really have to raise?
And to bring us back to the real world. Here is your 2009 WSOP winner:

Joe Cada - 2009 World series of poker winner
and the local hero and runner up:

Darvin Moon - The 2009 World Series of Poker Runner up