Day 126 – Electronics
We all have old appliances lying around the house. Walkman, CD players, ipods, mice, controllers. They are just collecting dust in basement and attics. What do we do with these “no longer needed” items Throw em out, so they end up comtaminating landfills? I don’t think so. We should all be creative with our unwanted, no longer needed items. So, I decided to spruce them up and turn them into pieces of art. Electronic doodles is what I have come up with this week. Now they are not the easiest things to draw on, because of uneven surfaces and odd shapes, but then again they are being doodled on, not body painted and I wanted them to retain some of their original features.
I was at first thinking I would prime paint them white and then draw on then, but that would be no different than drawing on white paper. So instead I left them as is and see what comes out.
My first victim was an old CD player, that was given a purple hue….
Al Old Panasonic - done!
CD Player from the side
CD Doodle - another angle