Home > Worthy Causes > Day 104 – Do your part!

Day 104 – Do your part!

Today is our final “pink” support tribute to Breast Cancer Awareness month and the “Bras Across DC” campaign.  I never did get an actual Bra from the folk at Hot 99.5 to doodle on so instead I put pen to paper and doodled one for you.

This weekend is also the Breast Cancer 3-day walk and to all those taking part.  You are to be admired.  This is a very good cause.

Here’s our doodled bra for you.

Do your part for Breast Cancer Awareness

Do your part for Breast Cancer Awareness

Categories: Worthy Causes Tags:
  1. October 11th, 2009 at 08:45 | #1

    Awesome bra doodle.

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