Day 100 – 100 days, 100 doodles
We have hit Day 100, not bad for the little blog that could. 100 days, 100 doodles. For this major milestone, I wanted to do something to give back and with October being Breast Cancer Awareness month, I have decided to break from the circles and go pink for a week. I would also love to take the time to recognize the many causes out there that donate and support Breast Cancer Awareness. So if you know of any, leave a comment, send me mail (via the contact on the side) and I will give them a shout out on the blog.
I have contacted the good folk at the Kane Show on Hot 99.5, who are running a campaign right now called “Bras Across DC”, You will be hearing more about that as the week progresses. I am hoping I can do something on the blog that ties into their effort so we continue to raise as much awareness as possible. Throw in a little doodle humor in support of a good cause.
I know that something good will come out of this.
So thanks to all of you for stopping by day after day to get your “doodle fix”. Keep coming back and here’s to the next 100 days…..
Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Throwing pink sparkly confetti your way to help celebrate your 100th post. What a wonderful way for you to celebrate it…a very important and worthy cause. I have enjoyed viewing all of your doodles and look forward to your week of pink. I usually post my doodles every Thursday,weather permitting. I have a Sat. dish and for some strange reason it does not like clouds and it seems every Thursday of late has been cloudy. 🙂 If i can’t post on Thursday, i will post the next day or in some cases, the day after that. Once again.congrats on the 100th post. That takes a lot of dedication and creativity. Dee
WoW I cannot beleve it has been 100 days since you started this blog, you have entertained so many of us with this incredible form of art. Your thoughts and insights have been amazing.I am raising a glass to the next 100 days and to your dedication to the cause Esther