Day 89 – What if?
Ever since I started this 365 project of trying my utmost to post a new entry, with a new doodle every day, I have this fear of what if I miss a day. Whether it’s accidental, or on purpose, what if I skip? Does it automatically disqualify me? Do I have to start all over again? Luckily I haven’t hit that yet. I am at Day 89 and still going strong, but it is tough as I write this it’s 1:30 in the morning (granted I technically still have the whole day ahead to qualify, but I know you love to wake up and see what’s new so I dare not disappoint.
So today being a Saturday and probably for the whole week ahead, I am sticking to the many doodle drawings that I have been doing while in meetings or on the phone or just hanging around. No purpose, just me, a pen and my imagination.
The true art of the Doodle, as always enjoy.

The Wondering Mind
And as the mind wonders, it creates
and so another doodle idea is borne

"Round like a circle in a Spiral . . ."