Home > Doodle Art, This and That > Day 84 – The Doodle Family Returns

Day 84 – The Doodle Family Returns

We took a break last week to introduce the “Kane Show” fans to the wonderful world of Doodles.  I hope that all who visited the site enjoyed what I do and will come back to see more.  There’s a 4th member of the Kane show, Erick, who I wanted to include in the series, but I don’t have good enough image of him to use as a guide for his “Summer of death” doodle.  if any one has any ideas of how I can get a good picture that I can work with, I will include his doodle.  You can always send me an e-mail: warren@tjomiesvintagestationery.com or leave a comment on the site here or use the contact page on the right.

I look forward to hearing from you all.

For now I am bringing back the doodle family I had started to introduce to you last week.  We had the mother and child and the dancer, here is the 3rd in that series.

Miss Doodle Taking a seat

Miss Doodle Taking a seat

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