Day 68 – Postit round up
So we come to the close of another fun week. A long week, but a colorful one. I loved doing the mini postit doodles and I know there will be more, because I always have them on hand. I just need to remember not to toss them away after drawing on them. This weekend is a long weekend and a break is always welcome. We also have a lot scheduled though, so it will be busy and it’s the last week of Summer. Pools close, people begin to hibernate. Regardless, I have to make sure I get my doodle posts done in time.
I’m also loving this week and next because the US Open Tennis is on and being a night owl there are always great matches that go on into the wee hours of the morning. So I doodle, I blog and watch some tennis at the same time.
For now, here are the final few postit doodles.
Enjoy the weekend.
A Spiral postit
A Beauty in Green