
Archive for September 2nd, 2009

Day 65 – September Morn

September 2nd, 2009 1 comment

I cannot believe we are already into September, the kids are back at school and I am having to surface at 5:45 am, to get them to the bus.  Not fair!  Summer just flew by, even the weather has turned chilly (for a few days at least).  Before we know it we will be in coats, hats & scarves.  Although I must admit I do love the winter, but for now it can wait a while, I’m enjoying the sunshine and we had a very mild summer this year.

As for the doodles, our postit series continues.  I did some really cute ones, in an hour long meeting today, which I still need to scan in.  I will do that in a couple of days, because I still have the ones I did over the weekend to put up.  So for Wednesday Sept 2nd here are a couple more “doodles on a postit note”  These I will call “The Pink Series”

lollipop postit in pink

lollipop postit in pink

Postit in pink

Postit in pink
